Change Takes Courage

My name is Cheryll Catuar.  I am a single mother of 3 and a first generation immigrant from the Philippines. I am here to officially announce my candidacy for the Daly City Council.

I believe public servants do a disservice to the community by pretending to be perfect. It makes things harder for others like us to aspire to run someday if they think they have to be superhuman before they even try. Leaders are not created by educational institutions, leaders arise from adversity. 

Alumna 2022

One of 15 women selected across the country to take part in Ready to Lead: National Womens Training

At a time like this, we need a leader who will bring us together, not pull us apart. Hardly anything worth doing can be done alone. In order for one of us to make it, hundreds must try. I believe that anything can happen, that anything is possible. I believe in fate I believe in miracles. If I am elected to Council, I promise to hold the door open for you.

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I hope more of us become active in the community and take part in it.